Franklin Ghost Town

We made it out again for another adventure over the weekend to visit the Franklin Ghost Town. Tucked away by the Green River near Black Diamond, this site was once home to a small mining town in the late 1800’s.

For more information and directions to this historic site, be sure to check out the WTA page to learn more!

There is no longer any sign of houses or other wooden structures, as is common out here in the Pacific Northwest. Due to the nature of…well… nature out here, wooden structures simply do not last unattended for very long πŸ˜‰

However, there are few stone and cement structures, including an old mine shaft, headstones in the cemetery, and some good old steel in the form of things such as tracks and mining cars.

The trails out here were well maintained and while there was not as much in the way of remnants of the old town as we had hoped for, there was still enough to make it more interesting than your average hike in the otherwise empty wilderness.

And there were a LOT of trail options. We recommend getting a hold of a trail map before heading out, as there is not much for cell service and a lot of forks in the paths. We made it all the way down to the river in one direction and up to a beautiful overlook of the valley and mountains on another side. And there was a whole lot in between πŸ™‚

Definitely recommend this little trek if you are looking to get out of the house and explore some of the beauty the Pacific Northwest has to offer. We got in a little over 12,000 steps exploring this spot and even though we managed to show up without the full DSLR setup, we still captured some great shots with the backup cameras πŸ˜€

Check out the galleries below for all shots from this adventure.

Franklin Ghost Town Gallery

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